Daily Archives: April 7, 2015

Help Prismata get to E3! Plus Updates, Balance Changes, and Survey Results.

Hey, everyone! Lots to talk about this week! Here we go!


Help Prismata get to E3!

E3—The annual Electronic Entertainment Expo—is the biggest video game industry conference in the world, and it provides an unparalleled opportunity to meet the press and network with all kinds of platform-holders and other industry folks. Small indie games like Prismata are seldom present, but a group of folks called Indies Crash E3 has raised some funds to host an indie booth at E3.

However, there’s a catch. They can’t send everybody, so they’re having a contest to determine which indie games will get to go to E3. And it’s not a simple voting contest—the contest itself is a browser GAME called indieclicker, which is a bit like “Cookie Clicker” or other simple clicker games. Everyone who plays earns points for Prismata to help us rank up on the leaderboard.


Indieclicker. You can play it to earn points to unlock a spot at E3 for Prismata!


Indieclicker is actually kind of addictive.
